Daniel Brereton 

Daniel Brereton 

Earlier this year a 12U player,John Brereton, had an undiagnosed heart condition that caused him to go into cardiac arrest while practicing at the warehouse. Fortunately, his coach was a trained EMT and was able to provide the care needed before the ambulance arrived.

Here he is today looking very healthy!!!

We wanted to ensure we were always prepared if something like this happened in the future. The money raised by the golf tournament purchased an AED for the warehouse.

Harold Mayfield, Training Coordinator for the Richmond Ambulance Authority will be providing CPR Training for coaches, any parent or High School Player who would like to become CPR certified which also includeS training to use the AED.

 Training will take place at the warehouse

Saturday, December 2 from 9 AM to Noon.  Cost is just $3. 

Email Info@IYGBaseball.com to reserve your spot!